Friday, November 27, 2009


hello lovely people in this world. i feel like shit so i feel like writing. but no worries, i've nothing than sweet things to tell! to start with.. i figured i'll might live in London in about 1,5 years, studying the one and only London College of Fashion! i'm so exited already! however, mixed feelings occur when i think about what comes around when living in a new city, or even a new country.. eventhough i do speak the language, i don't know the people, the streets, the shops, the habits.. i don't know anyone in London and how do you meet people? i've always lived in this small city i live in now, altough i did move a few times, i never went far.. but still! i want this so bad!

next, i absolutely adore my life lately! parties parties parties, nothing but parties. oh and school and work but i try to think as little as possible about those two.

xxx, ivory

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