Saturday, November 7, 2009


lovelys! a brand new blog and soon we will post more! .. hoping for some readers of course. Ivory and I will share all the inspiring, beautiful things, creative extravagances and also the nonsensical things in our lives with you. So, to start with a nonsensical thing.. I had a Lazy though busy day today.. and really i'm too tired, since i got my puppy (Mango, O so sweet) 10 days ago I have a lack of sleep actually. I know that our blog says that you should never sleep the night away, but that doesn't count when you have to get up at 5:30 in the morning and work/go to school all day! does it? anyway.. i made three dresses today, one (not finished yet) for an assignment for school, i have to do something with barcodes.. you'll see the result in two weeks! one dress which i'm probably going to use for the assignment too. And one one-shoulder.. oo it was in my head for weeks! Eager to wear it! maybe i should wear it to tomorrow's partheey? anyway we'll take some photo's tomorrow. and for now.. i'm going to take mango for a walk and rush to bed! LOTS OF LOVE, Ebony the other half of Ivory'

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