Friday, November 27, 2009


hello lovely people in this world. i feel like shit so i feel like writing. but no worries, i've nothing than sweet things to tell! to start with.. i figured i'll might live in London in about 1,5 years, studying the one and only London College of Fashion! i'm so exited already! however, mixed feelings occur when i think about what comes around when living in a new city, or even a new country.. eventhough i do speak the language, i don't know the people, the streets, the shops, the habits.. i don't know anyone in London and how do you meet people? i've always lived in this small city i live in now, altough i did move a few times, i never went far.. but still! i want this so bad!

next, i absolutely adore my life lately! parties parties parties, nothing but parties. oh and school and work but i try to think as little as possible about those two.

xxx, ivory

Friday, November 20, 2009


4TH AND BLEEKER (BLOGGER)STORE from the 4th and bleeker blog, i dearly dearly love, IS NOW OPEN.. she's starting with this incredible jumper.. unfortunately my money is in warmer things now since winter is coming! but i loooove..(cost; 295AUD .. €181 more or less)

-isn't she pretty- xxx ebony

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


new header as you can see! still, this one in temporary'
working on a better one.. and this is not the best handwriting.. with love, Ebony.

(model with the 'love' tattoo: christel)
when i was a little girl i always did what my dearest mamma and pappa said. the girl that doesn't do tattoos or anything like that.. times change and i kinda feel rebellious when i think of getting one, just a small one.. like the photo above (what do you think?), and i think of it already a looong long time.. the only problem.. i'm not at a legal age to get one without my parents OK.. just wait till the january 30.. to be continued..
photo's - source: anywho

truckloads of love, ebony

faux fur - don't be a puss

damn i hate myself for being such a pussy. i find myself to damn scared to wear fashionable items just because i think they don't fit me. take this faux fur coat for example..

..i really love it! but i believe it does not suit me well and that people will laugh at me or something. and i also adore high heels but they make me tall, like 1.85 or something and i believe that look ridiculous. haha, i'm such a puss! maybe if i find the courage and money i'll buy it anyways.
talk to you later, ivory.


goooodmorning loves! (only for me actually.. sorry i'm not feeling so well these days, sleeping the day away).. enniewee, as i thumbed through the dec'09 issue from the brittish vogue i came accross 2 different editorials i love! and the fact that they both were done by DUTCH models made it even better and i wanted to show you! model of the year, Lara Stone and Doutzen Kroes for you.

Stone age' photographed by Mario Testino

Showpieces' photographed by Patrick Demarchelier
damn pretty ladies from our tiny little country
P.S. these dior, valentino and D&G gowns worn by Lara makes me want to live in the (stone) age where these were common and worn daily! (or just make it christmasstime..)

lotsoflove, ebony

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


is it true? yes! chanel comes with it's own magazine! the magazine will be called 31 RUE CAMBON, and the first issue is art directed and designed by no one less than Olivier Zahm. the chanel magazine will be distributed world-wide in all the chanel stores. 

Monday, November 16, 2009


Follow our blog with bloglovin

Oliver Stalmans

goodmorning to you all! yes it's early but hey, i'm here to give you some inspiration for the day. the following pictures are made by oliver stalmans who you can check out here.

xx, ivory

Sunday, November 15, 2009


when going trough the pictures on my computer i fell in love for the second time. these pictured from reed + rader are amazing and i really want you to go and check it out! when you go there and click trough some photo's you'll feel the need to print them and then keep them with you forever and ever. promise. here some of my favorite.

please check it out 'cuz i'm sure that if you search you'll be rewarded by at least one photo you absolutely love and can't life without anymore. with love, ivory.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

girl's not grey

Today was the kind of day to stay inside (or even in bed).. with an enormous cup of tea and your best friend(yea my fruit of the south)! I actually slept the day away, i was so tired since i couldn't sleep last night. Then the ringin'phone woke me up..  I decided to pickup my pencils en design some dresses.. I might want to wear to Isa's Red Carpet themed B-day the 21th.



Monday, November 9, 2009


ooo i almost forgot.. yeah i'm such a spoiled girl.. (no i'm not I work hard for it!) My parents bought me a fitting mannequin today! which i neeeded sooooo desperately. they are the best! everyone should know. thankyouthankyouthankyou! LOVE


Just a quick post before i'm stuck to my books again.. hate it since i almost explode of inpiration!   We went to a party we went to this almost cosy party saturday haha, but it was fun, beachy, hawaïanish, sandy.. what do you want at a surfclub? anyway, when Ivory still walked around with her lovely sleepy head (and yes, she's even pretty after a night with orange, red, green, purple, blue sweet alcoholic drinks) had to work the next day (bright and shiny!).. wore the dress made by myself (not so hawaïanish but in the end we were turned into real whaolahoelalalala-girls incl. hawaii skirts and flowers!) oo. and i promissed some pictures..  and I. wore her adorable back flower dress (looovethat). oo, and I is working on something right now.. I'll force her to post it soon!

i should go back to my books now.. LOVE, EBONY.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


lovelys! a brand new blog and soon we will post more! .. hoping for some readers of course. Ivory and I will share all the inspiring, beautiful things, creative extravagances and also the nonsensical things in our lives with you. So, to start with a nonsensical thing.. I had a Lazy though busy day today.. and really i'm too tired, since i got my puppy (Mango, O so sweet) 10 days ago I have a lack of sleep actually. I know that our blog says that you should never sleep the night away, but that doesn't count when you have to get up at 5:30 in the morning and work/go to school all day! does it? anyway.. i made three dresses today, one (not finished yet) for an assignment for school, i have to do something with barcodes.. you'll see the result in two weeks! one dress which i'm probably going to use for the assignment too. And one one-shoulder.. oo it was in my head for weeks! Eager to wear it! maybe i should wear it to tomorrow's partheey? anyway we'll take some photo's tomorrow. and for now.. i'm going to take mango for a walk and rush to bed! LOTS OF LOVE, Ebony the other half of Ivory'

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Bonjour! Test, 1, 2, 3.
Bonjour! Test, 1, 2, 3.
Bonjour! Test, 1, 2, 3.
Bonjour! Test, 1, 2, 3.
Bonjour! Test, 1, 2, 3.